Tuesday 17 February 2009

8 things about me ... with a few extras thrown in because I can't help my parentheticalness

  1. I hate raisins and I am afraid of spiders. Curiously, I think part of what I hate about raisins is the fear that they might actually be small, dead insects in my food. I love crème brulée and most critters (see first statement).
  2. I met the California governor when I was a child after being featured in a school children safety video. I also met Jesse Jackson at my cousin’s law school graduation. He kissed my nephew’s head, but not mine. Chris Isaac, however, once kissed my cheek.
  3. I once played The White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland and played other various characters in other various plays. But TWR in Alice was my favorite role ever.
  4. Contrary to what some people think, I do not play video games for a living. Not even close.
  5. I have lived in both England and Hong Kong, but have never once lived in a state other than California.
  6. My birthday is halfway between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. And while this makes it in theory a part of the whole holiday season, it actually kind of sucks. Mostly I am over the fact that it sucks, but sometimes it still catches me off guard and it sucks again.
  7. When I was 10, my best friend Kerri and I used to lug “portable” typewriters back and forth between our houses so that we could work on our novels together. As I recall, mine had about 30 “main” characters. Neither of our novels has been published to date.
  8. I like lists. Sometimes I make a list after the fact, just so I can cross stuff off. I might make a list that includes “write a new blog posting for Fin.”

Applying makeup as The White Rabbit. Nice hair clips, huh?

1 comment:

dani said...

Thanks for your comment about my stones on Steffi's blog. I too hate raisins and as a child used to call them "dead flies". But I LOVE crème brûlée and lists (dearly). So there you go: nice to have met you!