Right now, I also have a seasonal widget -- my Halloween countdown clock (there he is the lower right corner). It’s an adorable jack-o-lantern and tells me, down to the second, the amount of time remaining between me and the scariest day of the year. I’ve had it for a while. I think when I first added it, we were about 40 days out. Now that we’re getting closer, it was time to change the entire background. Some google image-searching turned up some really creepy stuff. I now have a haunted house scene gracing my PC monitor (which is gigantic, by the way – only newly so, which is why I have to mention it because I am still in love with it. See below). Around the corner (or above in these two shots), is an even spookier graveyard scene on my Mac (well, when I say corner, they’re really side by side, but at slightly different slants).

But here is the most terrifying part about all of this. When I had it all set up (see yesterday's post), I proudly thought to myself “That is WELL scary!”
Yeah. See, it isn’t unheard of over here to use the word “well” to mean very or quite. You might even hear someone say that something is “well good.” Which gives me pause, I have to say. I don’t think I like it and yet, there it was, popping right into my head of its own accord.
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